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  «« 03.24 - 03.302024.03.31 - 2024.04.604.7 - 04.13 »»  

 from 03.31 till 04.6from 03.24 till 03.30average
per day
for 4 weeks
per day
per day
Views 74 30.60 71 30.60 30.60
Hosts 35 5 39 9.00 9
Unique hosts 29   29    
Visitors 42 6 47 10.70 10.70
Views per visitor 1.8 5.1 1.5 2.9 2.9
Unique visitors 42   47    
Views per unique visitor 1.8   1.5    
Sessions 43 10.80 47 10.80 10.80
Views without cookies 0 0 0 0 0
Views without javascript 0 0 0 0 0
Reloads 0 0 0 0 0
Visits from other websites 5 0.90 5 0.90 0.90
Visits from bookmarks 66 26.30 60 26.30 26.30
Views by robots 186 30.30 351 30.30 30.30
Hosts of robots 127 19.90 189 27 19.90
Unique hosts with robots 87   157    
Show graph   Table of values (CSV)