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  «« 01.21 - 01.272024.01.28 - 2024.02.302.4 - 02.10 »»  

 from 01.28 till 02.3from 01.21 till 01.27average
per day
for 4 weeks
per day
per day
Views 159 31.80 111 31.80 31.80
Hosts 131 12.10 76 12.10 12.10
Unique hosts 130   72    
Visitors 136 13.20 83 13.20 13.20
Views per visitor 1.2 2.4 1.3 2.4 2.4
Unique visitors 136   83    
Views per unique visitor 1.2   1.3    
Sessions 136 13.40 83 13.40 13.40
Views without cookies 0 0 0 0 0
Views without javascript 0 0 0 0 0
Reloads 0 0 0 0 0
Visits from other websites 9 1.00 3 1.00 1
Visits from bookmarks 149 29.50 106 29.50 29.50
Views by robots 162 22.50 194 22.50 22.50
Hosts of robots 109 15.10 100 15.10 15.10
Unique hosts with robots 84   88    
Show graph   Table of values (CSV)